Tax Relief Provided by the CARES Act

Along with the paramount health concerns right now, you may be wondering about some of the recent tax changes meant to help everyone coping with the coronavirus fallout. I want to update you on the tax-related provisions in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, Congress' gigantic economic stimulus package that the President signed [...]

Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – April 1, 2020

We hope many of you were able to tune in to the Town of Plymouth's "COVID-19 Daily Update" on PAC-TV Wednesday to hear Heather give a big picture overview of the current situation from her industry perspective. If you missed it, here's the video above. Heather has been asked to appear on the show every Wednesday [...]

Watch Heather Live Today at Noon on PACTV’s “COVID-19 Daily Update”!

Today CPA Heather Cozby will be live at noon on the Town of Plymouth’s "COVID-19 Daily Update" on PACTV, giving a big picture overview from her industry perspective. The daily forum is hosted by Town Moderator Steve Triffletti as a way to provide verified information from trusted sources to Plymouth residents who are facing information overload [...]

Important Tax and Business Resources During COVID-19

With stay-in-place guidelines extended due to the continuing spread of coronavirus, our offices will remain closed to the public at least through April 30, 2020. We have (understandably) been receiving many questions from our clients about taxes, as well as asking for clarification about recently enacted legislation impacting both individuals and small businesses. Unfortunately, we do [...]

9 Ways to Build an Emergency Fund When Money is Tight

Having an emergency fund is an important piece of a financial plan. Never has that piece been more important than it is now. But how do you build such a fund with the crisis that exists around us? Here are 9 paths to get there: Vision board. Create a visual plan that is attainable and is [...]

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