Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – May 20, 2020

In this week’s Wednesday episode (May 20, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update,” Heather Cozby reported that stimulus payments and unemployment payments are in full swing now. There are approximately 10 million stimulus payments that have not gone out yet, of which approximately 4 million will be sent out as pre-paid debit cards. [...]

Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – May 13, 2020

In this week’s Wednesday episode (May 13, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update,” Heather Cozby reported that the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment is now texting applicants. If you've been waiting for a callback on your application, pay attention to your texts. They may appear at first to be a scam, but could be [...]

Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – April 15, 2020

In this week’s Wednesday episode (April 15, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update,” Heather Cozby clarified what actions non-filers and Social Security recipients need to take to receive their Economic Stimulus Payments and further explained how the SBA Economic Disaster Loan grant portion is being calculated. She also made an important point about [...]

Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – April 8, 2020

In this week's Wednesday episode (April 8, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth's "COVID-19 Daily Update," Heather Cozby addressed the gap between the government programs being set up and the current lack of cash flow. She discussed the status of the Economic Stimulus Payments and Payroll Protection Program, as well as unemployment benefits and Economic Disaster [...]

Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – April 1, 2020

We hope many of you were able to tune in to the Town of Plymouth's "COVID-19 Daily Update" on PAC-TV Wednesday to hear Heather give a big picture overview of the current situation from her industry perspective. If you missed it, here's the video above. Heather has been asked to appear on the show every Wednesday [...]

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