Do I Need to Fill Out a New W-4?

[youtube]You may be wondering how your taxes will be affected next year due to the new tax laws that are now on the books. Will you get more money back or will you end up owing more? The only way to know for sure is to use the withholding calculator from the IRS. You can [...]

Here’s How to Get Prior-Year Tax Information

The following article was published by the IRS. As people are filing their taxes, the IRS reminds taxpayers to hang onto their tax records. Generally, the IRS recommends keeping copies of tax returns and supporting documents at least three years. Taxpayers should keep some documents — such as those related to real estate sales — for [...]

Do I Have to File a Tax Return?

[youtube] Every year there is a subset of people who ask themselves if they have to file a tax return. The best way to find out the answer to this question is by checking out the Interactive Tax Assistant on and clicking on “Do I Need to File a Tax Return?” You will then [...]

Top Things to Know About Deducting Charitable Contributions on a 2017 Tax Return Tax

The following article was published by the IRS. Taxpayers who give money or goods to a charity may be able to claim a deduction on their 2017 federal tax return, which basically reduces the amount of their taxable income. Here are some important facts about charitable donations: Qualified charities. To receive a deduction, taxpayers must donate [...]

Common Credit Card Questions Answered

[youtube]Americans are notorious for their heavy use of credit. This should make us all experts, right? Not so fast. Here is a look at a few basic questions the average credit user might ask, as well as answers from a financial professional: […]

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