Digital Assets: Existing and New Reporting Requirements

Those who use digital assets may be wondering what their reporting requirements are come tax filing season. This 75-minute IRS webinar covers both existing and new reporting requirements so you can get all your questions answered. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our office and we'll walk you through the answers.

Tax Year 2024 Filing Season Update from the MA DOR

Each year, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue gives a filing season video update presentation for the tax year. This video provides the update for tax year 2024. It includes valuable tax information such as recent legislative changes and DOR initiatives, what's new on 2024 forms and schedules, helpful hints, updates to popular credits, and how to [...]

W-2 Scam

All employers should be alert to a dangerous Form W-2 email scam. It's a threat to tax data and to your workers. These emails appear to come from someone in authority. They may say something like, "I'm analyzing some reports and need a copy of our W-2s for last year. Please send ASAP." Once the W-2s [...]

How to Correct 1099s in QuickBooks Online

Did you know that you can make some corrections to your 1099s in QuickBooks Online even after filing them with the IRS? QuickBooks Online supports corrections for 1099 boxes, box amounts, form types, and contractor info. The IRS must accept the original filing before you can submit a correction. Watch this video for instructions on how [...]

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