Credit Card Tips for Retirees

[youtube]The golden years might mark the end of working for a paycheck, but it doesn’t eliminate the importance of keeping a solid credit score. Credit scores affect more than just your ability to borrow; even things such as your car insurance rate are determined in part by your credit score. The way you use your [...]

One Simple Tip to Save Thousands on a Mortgage

[youtube]The single best tip to getting the best rate on a mortgage is to check your credit score and credit history. Don’t check it just before applying; check it in advance, up to a year in advance of when you are planning to apply for the mortgage. When it comes to applying for a mortgage, [...]

The Confusing World of Credit Scores

[youtube] Credit scores are extremely important. They are, in a way, your financial life-line to borrowing money. But credit scores are actually a whole lot more than that. Your score can determine whether or not you can rent an apartment and can even dictate your insurance rates. Credit scores are extremely easy to find these [...]

The Most Common Credit Mistakes

[youtube]Credit card use has become a way of life for many Americans. You would think that would make some people experts on how these credit cards work, but that isn’t necessarily the case. Here are some common mistakes credit card users make and how to avoid them: […]

Common Credit Card Questions Answered

[youtube]Americans are notorious for their heavy use of credit. This should make us all experts, right? Not so fast. Here is a look at a few basic questions the average credit user might ask, as well as answers from a financial professional: […]

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