Finding a Tax Professional

A Massachusetts tax professional can help prepare your taxes or represent you in an appeal or collection case. So, how do you find the right tax professional for you? You can do so through one of these professional member organizations: the Massachusetts Society of Enrolled Agents (whose tax practitioners are licensed by the Department of Treasury [...]

Get Ready for Taxes: Here’s What’s New and What to Consider When Filing in 2022

This article was published by the IRS.  The IRS encourages taxpayers to get informed about topics related to filing their federal tax returns in 2022. These topics include special steps related to charitable contributions, economic impact payments and advance child tax credit payments. Taxpayers can visit for online tools, publications and other helpful resources for [...]

Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Can Put More Money in Your Pocket

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps workers and families who don't make a lot of money get a tax break. If you qualify, you can use the credit to reduce the taxes you owe - and maybe even get a bigger refund. The credit is usually higher for eligible working families, but many lower-income workers [...]

What If I Can’t Pay My Taxes?

This video explains the variety of actions taxpayers can take if they are unable to pay their tax bills. It could happen to any of us. You've just finished preparing your tax return or received a bill from the MA Department of Revenue and have an unexpected balance due. The problem is, you can't afford to [...]

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