Reviewing These Disaster Resources Now Can Help Taxpayers Be More Prepared Later

This article was published by the IRS. No one can fully prepare for a disaster, but knowing what resources are available beforehand can make the recovery a little easier. Here's a list of resources that taxpayers might find helpful before and after a disaster: Tax relief in disaster situations — This page features links to disaster [...]

Small Business Tax Workshop

The IRS Small Business Tax Workshop is a series of online training videos, covering tax topics for new and established small business owners. The first four topics in the workshop cover federal taxes, Schedule C, filing and paying taxes electronically, and business use of your home – no matter the type of business you have or [...]

Tax Resources for Military Members, Veterans and Their Families

This article was published by the IRS. The IRS has a variety of resources to help members of the military, veterans, and their families navigate the unique and sometimes complex circumstances that come with filing taxes while in the military. Here's a list of some of the resources these taxpayers may find helpful: Tax Information for [...]

Who Is Eligible for Advance Child Tax Credit Payments?

Are you wondering if you're eligible for advance Child Tax Credit (ACTC) Payments? You qualify for ACTC payments if you have a qualifying child. You don't need to have income, and you can qualify even if you don't normally file a tax return. Also, you - or your spouse, if married and filing a joint return [...]

Here’s how a Taxpayer’s Custody Situation May Affect Their Advance Child Tax Credit Payments

This article was published by the IRS. Parents who share custody of their children should be aware of how the advance child tax credit payments are distributed. It is important to remember that these are advance payments of a tax credit that taxpayers expect to claim on their 2021 tax return. Understanding how the payments work [...]

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