Earned Income Tax Credit

Did you know that there's a helpful tax relief program for low and moderate income working families? It's called the earned income tax credit (EITC) and it can help put some extra money in your family's pocket. Depending on your family's income, you could be eligible for a refund even if you don't currently owe income [...]

Circuit Breaker Tax Credit

You may be able to claim a refundable credit on your MA personal income tax return. The circuit breaker tax credit is based on the actual real estate taxes or rent paid on the Massachusetts residential property you own or rent and occupy as your principal residence. The maximum credit amount is determined each year. If [...]

Employment Taxes

As an employer, you do not need to register yourself for withholding to pay your own income taxes. If you expect to owe more than $400 in MA income tax, you are required to make individual estimated income payments. Rules are a little different for farmers and fishermen. You can find more information on the DOR [...]


If you have a business partner, this video is for you! A partnership is an arrangement between two or more persons to carry on a trade or business. Each person contributes money, property, labor, or skills, and expects to share in the profits and losses of the business. The partnership passes through any profits or losses [...]

Small Business Overview

Many small business owners in MA don't fully understand their tax responsibilities. This video will help teach small business owners about tax compliance, which may include sales and use taxes, including meals taxes, and withholding taxes for your employees. Taxes can be filed and paid through the MA DOR's web-based application once you register. You can [...]

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