How to Register for Paid Family and Medical Leave Contributions

This video tutorial will show you how to register for Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML) contributions as a business that already has a MassTaxConnect account. If you do not have a MassTaxConnect account, you should first learn how to register a new business on MassTaxConnect. To begin the registration for a PFML account, select the [...]

What If I Can’t Pay My Taxes?

This video explains the variety of actions taxpayers can take if they are unable to pay their tax bills. It could happen to any of us. You've just finished preparing your tax return or received a bill from the MA Department of Revenue and have an unexpected balance due. The problem is, you can't afford to [...]

How to Appeal a Penalty

This video tutorial will show you how to appeal a penalty on MassTaxConnect. The first step is to log in to MassTaxConnect and select the "More" tab. Select the "File an Appeal" hyperlink in the "Other Actions" panel. Read the information in the "Start Your Application" section carefully so that you can properly submit your appeal. [...]

Meet Max, MassTaxConnect’s New Virtual Assistant

Meet Max, the new virtual assistant on MassTaxConnect, dedicated to answering your Massachusetts tax-related questions. Next time you're on MassTaxConnect and have a question, click on Max's picture in the top right corner. Max can answer questions and point you to additional information. He's available 24/7. Visit Max today at

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