Seniors Who Turned 70½ Last Year Must Start Receiving Retirement Plan Payments by April 1

In most cases, Monday, April 1, 2019, is the date by which persons who turned age 70½ during 2018 must begin receiving payments from Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and workplace retirement plans. Two payments in the same year The payments, called required minimum distributions (RMDs), are normally made by the end of the year. Those persons [...]

Bad Money Moves We All Make

All of us have made bad decisions in our life at some point, and we will likely make some more in the future. While it's always a good idea to avoid these scenarios whenever possible, this is especially true when it comes to money. Here are five money mistakes that are relatively common: [...]

Here are Five Facts about the New Form 1040

The following article was published by the IRS. There are several changes to the 2018 Form 1040. However, taxpayers who file electronically may not notice the changes as the tax return preparation software guides people through the filing process. The IRS worked closely with its partners in the tax return preparation and tax software industries to [...]

Mortgage Interest Deduction

If you have a mortgage or home equity loan, it is important to know that tax reform changes have an impact on the mortgage interest deduction. The first change is that you can deduct interest only if you are using the funds to buy, build, or substantially improve your main home or a [...]

How to Avoid an Audit

While full-blown audits from the IRS are something that tax preparers are used to, a taxpayer likely views an audit right up there with a root canal, something to be avoided at all costs. It is impossible to predict with 100% accuracy which returns will be pulled for an audit, but there are [...]

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