Itemized Deductions Changes

Changes from the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act mean the standard deduction is worth almost twice what it was before. So you may get more benefit from the standard deduction than from itemizing. To figure out whether you should itemize, you can search "How Much is Standard Deduction" at, or speak with [...]

How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

For most people, a home is both the biggest investment they will ever make, as well as the greatest debt they will ever incur when factoring in a mortgage. True financial freedom often requires paying off this mortgage, but that often takes 15-30 years (or longer). For some, it is possible to pay [...]

Child Tax Credit and Credit for Other Dependents

Many parents claim the child tax credit to help with the cost of raising children. This year the credit may help even more parents because the income limit for those who qualify has increased to $400,000 for married couples filing jointly and $200,000 for all other filers. Also the credit amount for each [...]

Bad Money Moves We All Make

All of us have made bad decisions in our life at some point, and we will likely make some more in the future. While it's always a good idea to avoid these scenarios whenever possible, this is especially true when it comes to money. Here are five money mistakes that are relatively common: [...]

Mortgage Interest Deduction

If you have a mortgage or home equity loan, it is important to know that tax reform changes have an impact on the mortgage interest deduction. The first change is that you can deduct interest only if you are using the funds to buy, build, or substantially improve your main home or a [...]

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