Bad Money Moves We All Make

All of us have made bad decisions in our life at some point, and we will likely make some more in the future. While it's always a good idea to avoid these scenarios whenever possible, this is especially true when it comes to money. Here are five money mistakes that are relatively common: [...]

Mortgage Interest Deduction

If you have a mortgage or home equity loan, it is important to know that tax reform changes have an impact on the mortgage interest deduction. The first change is that you can deduct interest only if you are using the funds to buy, build, or substantially improve your main home or a [...]

How to Avoid an Audit

While full-blown audits from the IRS are something that tax preparers are used to, a taxpayer likely views an audit right up there with a root canal, something to be avoided at all costs. It is impossible to predict with 100% accuracy which returns will be pulled for an audit, but there are [...]

Earned income tax credit – Do you qualify?

Do you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit? If you do, and you don't claim it, you are leaving potentially thousands of dollars on the table. The EITC is designed to help those on a low to moderate income pay for their everyday expenses. But not everyone can get this tax break. [...]

Deductions You Probably Missed

Experienced tax pros are experts at knowing which deductions to look for when you file your taxes. Deductions are simply defined as subtractions from your income that can save anywhere from hundreds to thousands on your taxes. Due to the new tax laws, everyone is going to get a much bigger standard deduction [...]

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