Tips on Managing Credit Card Debt During Coronavirus Crisis

It is estimated that over 100 million consumers were carrying some form of credit card debt when COVID-19 became a worldwide pandemic. Approximately 60% of credit card holders carry debt month-to-month. But with unemployment numbers soaring, getting out of credit card debt may become increasingly difficult. Banks are beginning to become nervous and are tightening their [...]

How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

For most people, a home is both the biggest investment they will ever make, as well as the greatest debt they will ever incur when factoring in a mortgage. True financial freedom often requires paying off this mortgage, but that often takes 15-30 years (or longer). For some, it is possible to pay [...]

Bad Money Moves We All Make

All of us have made bad decisions in our life at some point, and we will likely make some more in the future. While it's always a good idea to avoid these scenarios whenever possible, this is especially true when it comes to money. Here are five money mistakes that are relatively common: [...]

Debt Snowball

Before embarking on any debt reduction plan, be sure to save up $1000 as an emergency fund. Once this first step is behind you, it's time to take a look at your debt repayment plan. One of the most effective way of paying down debt is a method known as the debt snowball. [...]

Maximize Home Mortgage Interest Deductions

Before the TCJA, taxpayers could deduct interest paid on up to $1 million ($500,000 if married filing separately) of home acquisition debt (debt used to buy or substantially improve a first or second home). Also, taxpayers could deduct interest paid on up to $100,000 ($50,000 if married filing separately) of home equity debt, regardless of how [...]

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