One Simple Tip to Save Thousands on a Mortgage

[youtube]The single best tip to getting the best rate on a mortgage is to check your credit score and credit history. Don’t check it just before applying; check it in advance, up to a year in advance of when you are planning to apply for the mortgage. When it comes to applying for a mortgage, [...]

Stocks and Bonds 101

[youtube]There is a lot of confusing investing terminology that is out there. As an investor, you may not need to know it all, but you should have a solid understanding of the basics. Here are two basic terms that everyone should understand before they risk their hard-earned dollars: Stocks: When a company seeks to grow [...]

Time for Tax Planning

[youtube] While the summer is starting to wind down and memories of vacations and beach days are still fresh in everyone’s mind, now is a great time to begin to think about your taxes. Sure, tax day is still a long ways off, but what you do now will set yourself up for next April. [...]

Opening a Brokerage Account

[youtube] Part of a solid financial plan is to make sure you build your savings. Many choose to put their money in their local bank or credit union. But to save for the future and to stay ahead of inflation, many turn to investments as an answer. If you have never invested before, here are [...]

How To Save On Babysitting

[youtube]We love our kids like crazy. But they don’t come cheap! The government predicts the cost of raising a child today will approach $250,000 by the time they turn 18. Part of this cost is childcare, more specifically babysitting costs. What’s a parent to do? For one, it’s important to get creative, and for that [...]

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