6 Ways to Supersize Your Nest Egg After Age 50

If you are past the age of 50 and stressed about your retirement savings, you don't have to worry. The following tools will help you maximize your retirement even at your current age. If you are 50 or over, you are eligible to take advantage of catch-up provisions in the tax code. For example, if you [...]

Your Account on IRS.gov

This video was published by the IRS. The IRS is working hard to serve you better. One way they are doing this is by offering access to some of your Federal Tax Account information online. Just visit IRS.gov/account to get started. You can access these features: Your balance and details, if you owe federal taxes. Links [...]

How to Start Saving for College in 3 Easy Steps

Raising children brings with it many exciting milestones. Paying for college isn't one of them. If you are worried about paying for your children's college, here is a guide to help you get started: Step 1: Consider opening a college savings account. There are currently two main types, a Coverdell Education Savings Account and a 529. [...]

Who Qualifies for Which New Employer Tax Credit?

This article was published by the IRS. Many businesses affected by COVID-19 qualify for tax relief though credits or deferrals. Here's a breakdown of which employers qualify for these new tax credits and the deferral of employment tax deposits and payments through December 31, 2020. Credits for paid sick and family leave Businesses and tax-exempt organizations [...]

Getting Married?

The following article was published by the IRS. Are you recently married, or planning to get married before the end of this year? Marriage is a life event that will also affect your federal taxes. Here's how: Getting married means selecting a different status when filing your taxes. Why? Because if you're married as of December [...]

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