Sneaky Credit Card Tricks and How to Beat Them

 Credit card deals almost always sound good when you first get an offer. With names like gold and platinum attached to a card, it's easy to fall for the hype--until you realize how these cards are marketed. Having a basic understanding of the common tricks of the trade in the credit card industry can help [...]

Missing W-2

 This video was published by the IRS. What if you want to file your tax return, but you still don't have your W-2? Employers should send this to you by January 31. Give it a few weeks to arrive in the mail, but if you don't get it by the end of February the first [...]

How Not to Borrow Money

 When it comes to most things in life, there's a smart way to do it and a not-so-smart way, especially when it comes to money. In no particular order, here are some not-so-smart ways to borrow money: Payday Loans - These loans specialize in serving those with few other options. Interest can reach 10-20% per [...]

Estimated Tax Payments

This video was published by the IRS. Our income tax runs on a pay-as-you-go basis. That means we pay our taxes as we earn or receive income during the year, either by having taxes withheld or by making quarterly estimated tax payments. If you have income that's not subject to withholding, you probably need to make [...]

Mid-Year Money Checkup

It's well past the middle of 2019, so giving yourself a mid-year financial checkup is well overdue. It doesn't require a lot of time, maybe 30-60 minutes, but it is well-worth your time. Here are the steps you should take: Review Your Goals - Whether it's beefing up your savings, paying off some debt, or saving [...]

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