The Work Opportunity Tax Credit Benefits Employers

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit benefits employers who hire people from targeted groups who consistently face significant barriers to employment. These groups include certain veterans, recipients of Supplemental Security Income benefits, ex-felons, summer youth employees, and vocational rehabilitation referrals. This tax credit encourages workplace diversity and facilitates access to good jobs for American workers. Before claiming [...]

IRS Suspends Requirement to Repay Excess Advance Payments of the 2020 Premium Tax Credit

This article was published by the IRS. The premium tax credit helps pay for health insurance coverage bought from the Health Insurance Marketplace. Eligible people can choose to have all, some, or none of the estimated credit paid in advance directly to their insurance company on their behalf. These payments – which are called advance payments [...]

How Can I get a Copy of a Return I Filed?

Wondering how to get a copy of a state individual tax return you have filed in Massachusetts? First, log in to MassTaxConnect. Locate the Personal Income Tax panel and select the "Returns" hyperlink. Select the year-end date for the return period you are requesting. Select the "Request a Return Transcript" hyperlink in the upper right-hand corner. [...]

Taxpayers Should File Their Tax Return on Time Even if They Can’t Pay Their Tax Bill in Full

This article was published by the IRS.  Taxpayers should file their tax return by the deadline even if they cannot pay the full amount due. If an individual taxpayer owes taxes, but can't pay in full by the May 17, 2021 deadline, they should: File their tax return or request an extension of time to file [...]

How to Check Your MA Refund

If you've already filed your MA tax return, you're probably wondering when you'll get your refund. To check on the status of your refund on the MA DOR website, you'll need your Social Security number (or ITIN), the tax year of your refund, and the refund amount.

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