How Taxpayers can Troubleshoot Common After-Tax-Day Issues

This article was published by the IRS. While the deadline to file and pay federal income taxes has passed for most people, there are some taxpayers still facing tax-related issues. Here are some tips for taxpayers handling some of the most common after-tax-day issues. Check the status of a refund. Taxpayers can check on their refund [...]

Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – May 13, 2020

In this week’s Wednesday episode (May 13, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update,” Heather Cozby reported that the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment is now texting applicants. If you've been waiting for a callback on your application, pay attention to your texts. They may appear at first to be a scam, but could be [...]

Important Tax and Business Resources During COVID-19

With stay-in-place guidelines extended due to the continuing spread of coronavirus, our offices will remain closed to the public at least through April 30, 2020. We have (understandably) been receiving many questions from our clients about taxes, as well as asking for clarification about recently enacted legislation impacting both individuals and small businesses. Unfortunately, we do [...]

IRS Helps Workers, Businesses with New Gig Economy Tax Center

The following article was published by the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service recently launched a new Gig Economy Tax Center on to help people in this growing area meet their tax obligations through more streamlined information. "The IRS developed this online center to help taxpayers in this emerging segment of the economy," said IRS Commissioner [...]

Here’s Basic Info for Businesses Filing Excise Taxes

The following article was published by the IRS. Businesses providing goods and services that are subject to excise tax must file a Form 720 quarterly to report the tax to the IRS. What is excise tax? Excise taxes are charged on a wide variety of goods, services and activities. The tax may be imposed at the [...]

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