About cozbycpa

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So far cozbycpa has created 812 blog entries.

Small Business Tax Workshop

The IRS Small Business Tax Workshop is a series of online training videos covering tax topics for new and established small business owners. The first four topics in the workshop cover federal taxes, Schedule C, filing/paying taxes electronically, and the business use of your home - no matter the type of business you have, or if [...]

Don’t Fall for These Federal Tax Refund Myths

This article was published by the IRS.  Once people complete and file their tax return, many of them eagerly await any refund they may be owed. No matter how a taxpayer plans to use their tax refund, knowing fact from fiction can help manage expectations as they wait for their money. This tip dispels some federal [...]

How to Settle Your Debt With the IRS on Your Own

You've likely seen and heard ads from companies claiming they can settle your debt with the IRS for "pennies on the dollar." They claim you need their services to strike a deal and pay less to the IRS. The truth is, third parties can't always deliver on claims to reduce tax debt and obtain waivers of [...]

Taxpayers Can Find Answers to Questions about Payments and Penalties on IRS.gov

This article was published by the IRS. Taxpayers can find answers to most questions about tax payments and penalties on IRS.gov. The "Let Us Help You" page features links to information and resources on a wide range of topics related to penalties and payments. Payments Payment options - This page lays out the different ways taxpayers [...]

Here’s What To Do if You Owe Taxes, but Can’t Pay

If you owe taxes but can't pay in full by the April deadline, you should file your federal tax return and pay as much as possible to reduce penalty and interest amounts. An extension of time to file is not an extension of time to pay your taxes. Pay as much as you can by the [...]

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