Estimated Tax Payments

This video was published by the IRS. Our income tax runs on a pay-as-you-go basis. That means we pay our taxes as we earn or receive income during the year, either by having taxes withheld or by making quarterly estimated tax payments. If you have income that's not subject to withholding, you probably need to make [...]

Mid-Year Money Checkup

It's well past the middle of 2019, so giving yourself a mid-year financial checkup is well overdue. It doesn't require a lot of time, maybe 30-60 minutes, but it is well-worth your time. Here are the steps you should take: Review Your Goals - Whether it's beefing up your savings, paying off some debt, or saving [...]

Renting vs. Buying a House

 The decision whether to buy or rent a home is never a black and white one. There are always pros and cons to each choice. What you really need to do is find out which option suits you better for the situation you find yourself in. Making this decision often comes down to three factors: [...]

Teaching Teens About Credit

 Credit is a tool that needs practice to perfect, especially with teenagers. But it's important to expose them to credit young so they know how to use it effectively when they get older. If you find yourself in this situation, here's how to go about it step by step: Start with the "learner's permit" version [...]

10 Tips for Budgeting Success

 A perfect budget that is effective, easy to implement, and doesn't cramp your style can often seem elusive. But there are ways to increase your changes of budgeting success. Here are ten tips: Identify Priorities. After you have covered the essentials, which items are most important to you? Are you interested in going on vacation, [...]

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