Earning Side Income: Is It a Hobby or a Business?

This article was published by the IRS. Whether it's something they've been doing for years or something they just started to make extra money, taxpayers must report income earned from hobbies in 2020 on next year's tax return. What's the difference between a hobby and a business? A business operates to make a profit. People engage [...]

Communicate with IRS Office of Appeals using Secure Messaging

Wish there were a faster way to resolve your appeal? The Independent Office of Appeals now has an easier method of communicating with taxpayers—IRS Secure Messaging. With this service, you (and/or your authorized representative) will be able to send and receive messages and digital documents related to your appeal quickly and easily. Once invited by an [...]

This IRS Online Tool Simplifies Estimating 2023 Tax Withholding

This article was published by the IRS. A few minutes spent reviewing income tax withholding earlier in the year helps set a taxpayer up for success all year long. The Tax Withholding Estimator on IRS.gov makes it easy to figure out how much to withhold. This online tool helps employees withhold the correct amount of tax [...]

Small Business Tax Workshop

The IRS Small Business Tax Workshop is a series of online training videos covering tax topics for new and established small business owners. The first four topics in the workshop cover federal taxes, Schedule C, filing/paying taxes electronically, and the business use of your home - no matter the type of business you have, or if [...]

Don’t Fall for These Federal Tax Refund Myths

This article was published by the IRS.  Once people complete and file their tax return, many of them eagerly await any refund they may be owed. No matter how a taxpayer plans to use their tax refund, knowing fact from fiction can help manage expectations as they wait for their money. This tip dispels some federal [...]

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