Circuit Breaker Tax Credit

You may be able to claim a refundable credit on your MA personal income tax return. The circuit breaker tax credit is based on the actual real estate taxes or rent paid on the Massachusetts residential property you own or rent and occupy as your principal residence. The maximum credit amount is determined each year. If [...]

Reminder to IRA Owners Age 70½ or Over: Qualified Charitable Distributions are Great Options for Making Tax-Free Gifts to Charity

This article was published by the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service is reminding IRA owners age 70½ or over of their option to transfer up to $100,000 to charity tax-free each year. These transfers, known as qualified charitable distributions or QCDs, offer eligible older Americans a great way to easily give to charity before the end [...]

How to Avoid Tax Scams

Thieves are constantly working to steal people's identity and personal data so they can use it to fraudulently file tax returns and claim refund money that isn't theirs. Here are a few things you should know so you don't fall victim to these scams: First, the IRS won't initiate contact with you by email or over [...]

Small Security Measures that Make a Big Difference When It Comes to Online Safety

This article was published by the IRS. Cybercrime is a constant concern in the online world which means everyone must be mindful of risks when they share devices, shop online and interact on social media. While this may seem overwhelming, it doesn't have to be. A few small security measures can lower the risk of exposure [...]

Gift Card Scam

Gift cards are for gifts, not for making tax payments. Many people give gift cards as a convenient gift for any occasion. Scammers use gift cards to steal your money. Here's how this usually works: The scammer may call you, impersonating an IRS agent, or contact you by text, email, or social media. The criminal calls [...]

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