Tips for Smart Charitable Giving

[youtube] "Charitable giving" is a phrase used frequently towards the end of the year, both during the holiday season as well as at tax time. Giving is an extremely important gesture made by those who have towards those who aren't as fortunate. While need is a universal phenomenon, resources are often limited, necessitating that we [...]

Shopping Tips for Cyber Monday and Beyond

[youtube]Black Friday is behind us and we are now faced with the deals and bargains of Cyber Monday. Similar to Black Friday in many ways, Cyber Monday is a chance to knock out some, if not all, of your holiday shopping list at a fraction of the cost. But there are some basic principles of [...]

Rise of the Robo Advisors

[youtube] By now most people have at least heard of the term “Robo Advisors”. They’re not really robots, but are in fact software programs, designed by humans, that use highly effective algorithms to manage investors’ portfolios. These automated investment services offer a lower initial investment and are significantly cheaper in terms of management costs. Your [...]

How To Instantly Increase Your Productivity

[youtube]While the length of a day hasn’t changed, the amount most of us try to cram into one has. Responsibilities are ever increasing, as are the distractions to get things done. It goes without saying that it’s impossible to increase the number of hours in a day, but finding ways to make the most of [...]

Using Credit Responsibly

[youtube] Having credit cards certainly increases your spending power, but they don’t necessarily increase your financial discipline. In fact, often times having more credit than you need or can handle is a recipe for disaster. Here are 8 tips which govern responsible credit card users. […]

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