Owe Taxes but Can’t Pay?

Are you putting off filing your taxes because you owe money but can't pay? You shouldn't. The IRS can help you if you're having trouble paying all the taxes you owe at once - but you must take action. Here's what you need to do: First, before the tax deadline, either file your tax return, or [...]

How to Avoid Tax Scams

Thieves are constantly working to steal people’s identity and personal data so they can use it to fraudulently file tax returns and claim refund money that isn’t theirs. Remember to check out IRS.gov/scams for more information and tips on avoiding scammers. Here are a few things you should know so you don’t fall victim to these [...]

Here’s How to Avoid IRS Penalties and Interest

It's important to file your tax return by the due date. Avoid penalties and interest by filing and paying on time. If you're having trouble, the IRS has options to help. Here are some tips: Even if you can't pay in full, it's better to file on time and pay as much as you can. If [...]

Here’s What to Know about Refundable Credits Audits By Mail

The IRS conducts audits by mail to verify a taxpayer's eligibility for child-based refundable credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit. Typically the IRS holds the refund until the audit is complete. For Earned Income Tax Credit audits, you'll usually need to provide documentation verifying your relationship to the children claimed and that they lived [...]

Digital Assets: Existing and New Reporting Requirements

Those who use digital assets may be wondering what their reporting requirements are come tax filing season. This 75-minute IRS webinar covers both existing and new reporting requirements so you can get all your questions answered. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our office and we'll walk you through the answers.

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