Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – May 13, 2020

In this week’s Wednesday episode (May 13, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update,” Heather Cozby reported that the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment is now texting applicants. If you've been waiting for a callback on your application, pay attention to your texts. They may appear at first to be a scam, but could be [...]

Why the Economic Impact Payment Amount Could Be Different than Anticipated

This article was published by the IRS. The IRS and Treasury have successfully delivered nearly 130 million Economic Impact Payments to Americans in less than a month, and more are on the way. Some Americans may have received a payment amount different than what they expected. Payment amounts vary based on income, filing status and family [...]

Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – April 29, 2020

In this week’s Wednesday episode (April 29, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update,” Heather Cozby gave an encouraging update: over the last week, she's seen money flowing through all the program channels, including stimulus payments, federal unemployment payments, PPP funds, and economic injury disaster loans. Individuals and businesses may not be notified when [...]

Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” – April 8, 2020

In this week's Wednesday episode (April 8, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth's "COVID-19 Daily Update," Heather Cozby addressed the gap between the government programs being set up and the current lack of cash flow. She discussed the status of the Economic Stimulus Payments and Payroll Protection Program, as well as unemployment benefits and Economic Disaster [...]

Economic Impact Payments: What You Need to Know

This article was published by the IRS. Check for the latest information: No action needed by most people at this time.  The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service have announced that distribution of economic impact payments will begin in April and will be distributed automatically, with no action required for most people. However, some [...]

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