Employment Taxes

As an employer, you do not need to register yourself for withholding to pay your own income taxes. If you expect to owe more than $400 in MA income tax, you are required to make individual estimated income payments. Rules are a little different for farmers and fishermen. You can find more information on the DOR [...]

January 31 Wage Statement Deadline Reminder for Employers

This article was published by the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service is urging employers to be aware of the January deadline to file Forms W-2 and other wage statements. Filing these documents timely helps employers avoid penalties and helps the IRS in fraud prevention. A 2015 law made it a permanent requirement that employers file copies [...]

Finding a Tax Professional

A Massachusetts tax professional can help prepare your taxes or represent you in an appeal or collection case. So, how do you find the right tax professional for you? You can do so through one of these professional member organizations: the Massachusetts Society of Enrolled Agents (whose tax practitioners are licensed by the Department of Treasury [...]

Businesses Must Report Nonemployee Compensation and Backup Withholding

This article was published by the IRS. By law, business taxpayers who pay nonemployee compensation of $600 or more must report these payments to the IRS. They do this using Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation. Generally, payers must file Form 1099-NEC by January 31. For 2021 tax returns, there is no automatic 30-day extension to file Form [...]

For Many Employers and Self-Employed People, Deferred Social Security Tax Payment Due Jan. 3

This article was published by the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service is reminding employers and self-employed individuals that chose to defer paying part of their 2020 Social Security tax obligation that a payment is due on January 3, 2022. Most affected employers and self-employed individuals received reminder billing notices from the IRS. The agency noted, however, [...]

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