[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_516dpIZWU]

Every year there is a subset of people who ask themselves if they have to file a tax return. The best way to find out the answer to this question is by checking out the Interactive Tax Assistant on IRS.gov/ITA and clicking on “Do I Need to File a Tax Return?”

You will then be asked a series of questions, the answers to which will determine whether or not you are required to file a tax return this year. Some of the factors that determine your need to file include:

  • Your filing status
  • Age
  • Income amount
  • Income type

Situations do vary if you are self-employed or if you can be claimed on someone else’s tax return, so it is always a good idea to check with your tax professional to be sure.

Just because you aren’t required to file a tax return doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t. Regardless of your filing requirement in a given year, you may still qualify for a refund.

For example, you may qualify for certain credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit. But keep in mind, even if you qualify for a refund, the only way to receive one is if you file your taxes.