Is Life Insurance Money Taxable?

[youtube]Is life insurance taxable? It isn’t as much a yes or no answer as it is a situational answer. It depends on a few factors really. But when it comes right down to it, there are three things you should be aware of in order to answer this question: […]

Car Buying Basics

[youtube]Whether you are buying new or used, there is nothing quite like getting behind the wheel of your first car. But just like with driving, the process of buying a car should be done slowly. Here are some important things to consider when making a vehicle purchase: Know Your Money - A reliable vehicle doesn't [...]

How to Budget When You’re on Inconsistent Income

[youtube]There are certain jobs, even careers, that don’t provide consistent income. Sure, you can make a living off these jobs, but you can’t ever predict with certainty what your income might be from week to week, month to month, or even year to year. Regardless of your income, bills and expenses tend to come fairly [...]

Simple Ways to Stop Impulse Buying

[youtube] The word “shopaholic” is often thrown around jokingly to describe those who get a high out of making a purchase, whether they need the item or not. While there is a disorder assigned to someone whose shopping addiction has a significant negative impact on his or her life, most of us are simply guilty [...]

The Fastest Way to Pay off Debt

[youtube] Getting out of debt is the dream of millions of Americans every year. But sometimes the reality of becoming debt-free is still in the dream phase. Some steps are more effective than others in tackling this huge financial situation. Before we list those steps, it’s important to realize how pervasive the debt problem is [...]

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