Simple Ways to Stop Impulse Buying

[youtube] The word “shopaholic” is often thrown around jokingly to describe those who get a high out of making a purchase, whether they need the item or not. While there is a disorder assigned to someone whose shopping addiction has a significant negative impact on his or her life, most of us are simply guilty [...]

The Fastest Way to Pay off Debt

[youtube] Getting out of debt is the dream of millions of Americans every year. But sometimes the reality of becoming debt-free is still in the dream phase. Some steps are more effective than others in tackling this huge financial situation. Before we list those steps, it’s important to realize how pervasive the debt problem is [...]

The Confusing World of Credit Scores

[youtube] Credit scores are extremely important. They are, in a way, your financial life-line to borrowing money. But credit scores are actually a whole lot more than that. Your score can determine whether or not you can rent an apartment and can even dictate your insurance rates. Credit scores are extremely easy to find these [...]

5 Money Tips For Millennials

[youtube]In the world of millennials, it often times seems hard to look forward because of the mountain of student loan debt and credit card balances that consume much of a monthly budget. But the fact is, it is extremely important to look ahead – five, even ten years – because like it or not, time [...]

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