Town of Plymouth’s COVID-19 Update – 3/3/21

Heather appeared again in last week’s Tuesday episode (March 3, 2021) of the Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” to talk about the Massachusetts issue of PPP loan forgiveness currently differing based on business entity type. Federally, any PPP loan that is forgiven will not be viewed as income. However, Massachusetts currently has a split decision [...]

What Happens After a Disaster that Leads to Taxpayer Relief

This article was published by the IRS. No matter how devastating a disaster is, before the IRS can authorize any tax relief, FEMA must issue a major disaster declaration and identify areas qualifying for their Individual Assistance program. Here's a list of tax-related things that usually happen after a major disaster strikes: The IRS gives taxpayers [...]

New Law Extends COVID Tax Credit for Employers Who Keep Workers on Payroll

This article was published by the IRS.  The Internal Revenue Service urges employers to take advantage of the newly-extended employee retention credit, designed to make it easier for businesses that, despite challenges posed by COVID-19, choose to keep their employees on the payroll. The Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act of 2020, enacted December 27, [...]

New Things Taxpayers Should Consider as They Get Ready to File Taxes in 2021

This article was published by the IRS. When people get ready to file their federal tax return, there are new things to consider when it comes to which credits to claim and what deductions to take. These things can affect the size of any refund the taxpayer may receive. Here are some new key things people [...]

Town of Plymouth’s COVID-19 Update – 12/22/20

Heather appeared again in this week’s Tuesday episode (December 22, 2020) of the Town of Plymouth’s “COVID-19 Daily Update” to explain the ramifications of the new COVID-19 relief bill passed by Congress earlier this week. (UPDATE: President Trump has since asked Congress to review certain aspects of the bill before he will sign it into law.) [...]

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