Here’s What to Know about Refundable Credits Audits By Mail

The IRS conducts audits by mail to verify a taxpayer's eligibility for child-based refundable credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit. Typically the IRS holds the refund until the audit is complete. For Earned Income Tax Credit audits, you'll usually need to provide documentation verifying your relationship to the children claimed and that they lived [...]

Tax Year 2024 Filing Season Update from the MA DOR

Each year, the Massachusetts Department of Revenue gives a filing season video update presentation for the tax year. This video provides the update for tax year 2024. It includes valuable tax information such as recent legislative changes and DOR initiatives, what's new on 2024 forms and schedules, helpful hints, updates to popular credits, and how to [...]

Second ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program for Improper Claims is Open Through Nov. 22

This article was published by the IRS. The IRS’s second Employee Retention Credit Voluntary Disclosure Program is open and runs through Nov. 22, 2024. This ERC VDP helps businesses repay credits they received after filing ERC claims in error. The program allows businesses to correct improper payments at a 15% discount and avoid potential compliance action [...]

IRS Shares New Warning Signs of Incorrect Claims for Employee Retention Credit

This article was published by the IRS. The IRS recently shared five new warning signs of incorrect claims by businesses for the Employee Retention Credit. The new list comes from common issues the IRS has seen while reviewing and processing ERC claims. Aggressive promoters convinced many businesses to claim this pandemic-era credit when they’re not eligible. [...]

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