HSA + 401(k): Plan for a Healthy Retirement

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y22JUmL5-o8] A well-known, common retirement savings vehicle is the 401(k). This account allows future retirees to set aside money in a tax-advantaged way to pay for expenses in retirement. But will this 401(k) be enough for most people to pay for retirement PLUS their healthcare expenses? Enter the HSA, or Health Savings Account. Sure, you [...]

How to Find a Job When You’re Retired

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0tGWdJz0jE]Looking for a job is a job in and of itself. But as we age, it is often assumed that finding a job gets even harder. This may be true if you are trying to complete with a younger demographic looking for a job with the same criteria. But what if retirees, or those close [...]

Retirees with Pension Income Should Do a Paycheck Checkup ASAP

The following article was published by the IRS. Retirees should do a Paycheck Checkup to make sure they are paying enough tax during the year by using the Withholding Calculator, available on IRS.gov. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, enacted in December 2017, changed the way tax is calculated for most taxpayers, including retirees. Because of [...]

How to Retire Earlier

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-88hSQUR4tw]A pretty accurate definition of retirement is doing what you want when you want to do it. In other words, it’s when you are able to start living life on your terms financially. The amount of time to reach this point varies from person to person, but it comes down to more than just what [...]

Retirees Can Visit IRS.gov for Helpful Tools and Resources

The following article was published by the IRS. Retirement can affect someone’s tax situation. Anyone who has retired recently — or who plans to retire soon — can visit IRS.gov for information that can help them prepare for filing their taxes next year. Here are some tools and resources for retirees, all available on IRS.gov: Individual [...]

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