If you own or manage the taxes for a small business, head over to IRS.gov/smallbiz and check out the information and tools available in the Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center.

From the main page of the Tax Center, you will find links grouped by topic, like how to prepare or pay your taxes. You’ll find resources for self-employed taxpayers who file Form 1040 or 1040-SR; Schedules C, E, or F; or Form 2106.

There are links to information for small businesses at every stage of owning a business – including for small businesses with assets under $10 million. There’s also a link to the Business Topic directory, where you will find an A-Z index of dozens of topics for small businesses and self-employed individuals. The Small Business and Self-Employed Tax Center has information you need all year round.

Small businesses and self-employed taxpayers, remember this address: IRS.gov/smallbiz.