You may need to authorize a third party to manage your tax accounts in MassTaxConnect. If you would like to grant access to your CPA or another individual to file and pay on your behalf with the Commonwealth, here’s what to do:

  1. Once you’ve logged in to MassTaxConnect, the taxpayer screen will open. Select “Manage My Profile” in the top right corner, then select “More.”
  2. Select “Assign Access Rights to a Third Party” in the “Third Party Access” panel. A screen will open to a third-party directory. Choose the third party and select “Next.”
  3. You will see a list of your tax accounts. Select the accounts you would like to grant access to and choose the access rights for the third party. Now select “Next.”
  4. Review the summary of the access to your accounts for the third party. Select “Submit.” You’ll see a confirmation screen with a unique confirmation number for your submission. You will also receive a confirmation email.
  5. Once this request is processed, the third party will have access to your accounts the next time they log in to MassTaxConnect.