Pay Yourself First

Saving money is important, and paying yourself first is one of the best ways to accomplish that. This allows you to set money aside for emergencies, and even plan for long-term goals. But not everyone knows the best way to save. It is easy to get caught up paying bills and expenses, and [...]

Mistakes Homebuyers Make

Buying a house can often be an intense, emotional decision. But it's also one of the biggest purchases you will likely ever make, so it's important that you don't make a big mistake when you do. Here are some big mistakes to avoid: Not getting financing up front. Unless you are a cash [...]

Steps to Take When You Receive a Windfall of Cash

If you are one of those who are fortunate enough to receive a cash windfall in your lifetime, here are four key steps to help you be responsible with your money: Patience is key. There is no need to rush; nothing has to be done right away. Make sure you take your time [...]

Dumb Mortgage Moves

While mortgage rates have risen slightly from their recent historic lows, they are still cheap. This may be a great time for you to take out a mortgage, whether it be for a new house or simply to refinance. Regardless of your knowledge and history with mortgages, it is easy to make mistakes. [...]

Filing Status

This video was published by the IRS. One of the first things to figure out with your taxes is what filing status to use. What counts is your status as of December 31, not any other time of the year. There are five filing statuses. Which one is yours? Single? That's easy. If [...]

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