How to Budget When You’re on Inconsistent Income

[youtube]There are certain jobs, even careers, that don’t provide consistent income. Sure, you can make a living off these jobs, but you can’t ever predict with certainty what your income might be from week to week, month to month, or even year to year. Regardless of your income, bills and expenses tend to come fairly [...]

Taxpayers Should do an End-of-Year Withholding Check-up

The following article was published by the IRS. As the end of the year approaches, the IRS encourages taxpayers to consider a tax withholding checkup. When taxpayers take a close look to make sure the right amount of tax is withheld now, they can avoid an unexpected tax bill next year. Here are five examples of [...]

2017-11-22T20:50:20-05:00November 22nd, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

IRS Has Options to Help Small Business Owners

The following article was published by the IRS. Small business owners often have a running list of things to do. These include deadlines, sales calls, employee issues, banking, advertising – and taxes. The IRS can help with the last one. Here are seven resources to help small businesses owners with common topics: Looking at the Big [...]

2017-10-25T22:42:29-04:00October 25th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|

Taxpayers Should Be Wary of Unsolicited Calls from the IRS

The following article was published by the IRS. Taxpayers who get an unexpected or unsolicited phone call from the IRS should be wary – it’s probably a scam. Phone calls continue to be one of the most common ways that thieves try to get taxpayers to provide personal information. These scammers then use that information to [...]

2017-10-11T23:00:16-04:00October 11th, 2017|Categories: Uncategorized|
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