Two Education Credits Help Taxpayers with College Costs

The following article was published by the IRS. With school in session, parents and students should look into tax credits that can help with the cost of higher education. They do this by reducing the amount of tax someone owes on their tax return. If the credit reduces tax to less than zero, the taxpayer may [...]

Taxpayers Can Go to for Answers to Questions about Payments and Penalties

The following article was published by the IRS. Questions about tax payments and penalties come up all year long. Taxpayers can find most answers to these questions on They can head over to the Let Us Help You page, which features links that take users to information and resources on a wide range of topics related [...]

Key Tax Considerations You Should Be Aware Of

By now, we’re in full swing under new tax laws. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was signed into law at the end of 2017, with taxpayers seeing the real effects when they filed their returns in 2019. This legislation has made a profound impact on many taxpayers and has created new planning opportunities. Here [...]

Four Common Tax Errors That Can Be Costly for Small Businesses

The following article was published by the IRS.  A small business owner often wears many different hats. They might have to wear their boss hat one day, and the employee hat the next. When tax season comes around, it might be their tax hat. They may think of doing their taxes as just another item to [...]

Interactive Tool on Helps Taxpayers Get Answers to Their Tax Questions

The following article was published by the IRS. Tax questions can pop up any time of the year. When people need answers, they should start with Interactive Tax Assistant on It’s a tool that provides answers to a many tax law questions. The taxpayer enters answers to a series of questions and the tool gives them a [...]

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