Keep Economic Impact Payment Notice with Other Tax Records

This article was published by the IRS. People who receive an Economic Impact Payment this year should keep Notice 1444, Your Economic Impact Payment, with their tax records. This notice provides information about the amount of their payment, how the payment was made and how to report any payment that wasn't received. For security reasons, the [...]

Taxpayers Should Be Aware of Myths about Tax Refunds

This article was published by the IRS. When it comes to federal tax refunds, there are several common myths. Getting a refund this year means there's no need to adjust withholding for 2020. To help avoid a surprise next year, taxpayers should make changes now to prepare for next year. One way to do this is [...]

Financial Safety is an Important Part of Disaster Preparedness

This article was published by the IRS. Before a natural disaster strikes, taxpayers are encouraged to prepare, if possible. This includes developing evacuation plans, putting together kits of essential supplies and putting financial safety measures in place. To help protect their financial safety in a disaster situation, taxpayers should: Update emergency plans. A disaster can strike [...]

Here’s Who Qualifies a Taxpayer for the Child and Dependent Care Credit

This article was published by the IRS. Childcare or adult dependent care can be a major expense. Fortunately, the child and dependent care credit can provide some relief. Taxpayers who pay for daycare expenses may be eligible to claim up to 35% of what they spend; limits apply. For the purposes of this credit, the IRS [...]

How Taxpayers can Troubleshoot Common After-Tax-Day Issues

This article was published by the IRS. While the deadline to file and pay federal income taxes has passed for most people, there are some taxpayers still facing tax-related issues. Here are some tips for taxpayers handling some of the most common after-tax-day issues. Check the status of a refund. Taxpayers can check on their refund [...]

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